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As part of Lewellyn Technology’s comprehensive solution we offer a variety of Administrative Controls – often the quickest and least expensive methods used to mitigate combustible dust hazards. Our Program Development, Management of Change and Training programs are all designed and run to the highest safety standard by our industry experts.
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NFPA says, “The owner/operator shall establish written procedures for operating its facility and equipment to prevent or mitigate fires, deflagrations, and explosions from combustible particulate solids.” Lewellyn Technology can create and write your customized combustible dust policy, establishing an operational safety program unique to your facility.
Crisis Management
NFPA says, “Written procedures to manage change to process materials, technology, equipment, procedures, and facilities shall be established and implemented.” Combustible dust hazards are complex – let our expertise guide you through the changes required to reduce the risk.
Public Relations Training
Employees must be trained to identify the hazards associated with combustible dust. NFPA says, “Initial and refresher training shall be provided to employees who are involved in operating, maintaining, and supervising facilities that handle combustible particulate solids.”