Dust Hazards Analysis
NFPA standards say “Where dusts are determined to be combustible or explosible, the hazards associated with the dusts shall be assessed.”
The Dust Hazards Analysis (DHA), also called a Process Hazards Analysis (PHA), is one of the most important steps you will take in order to mitigate the risk of combustible dust, fire and explosion. The dust hazards analysis is a formal, documented process that helps your company identify and address all relevant hazards, evaluate all relevant scenarios that can potentially lead to a dust fire or explosion and focus on the corrective actions designed to address those consequences. The DHA provides a basis for the implementation of other requirements such as engineering controls, operating procedures, training, inspection and testing program, and management of change program.
Several NFPA standards including NFPA 61, NPFA 68, NFPA 69, NFPA 484, NFPA 654 and NFPA 664 require a thoroughly documented DHA or PHA. OSHA’s Process Safety Management Standard (29 CFR 1910.119) also requires employers to perform a thorough PHA on all applicable processes that are covered under the standard.
The Lewellyn Dust Hazards Analysis is unique. Our industry experts will visit your site to determine if the combustible dust processes are in compliance with all applicable combustible dust standards including NFPA 652. We provide detailed recommendations on how to comply with combustible dust standards and propose corrective actions to lower the risk associated with your combustible dust hazards. As part of our comprehensive safety solution the Lewellyn Technology team can implement all engineering and administrative recommendations.