Project Management
Let us help you organize your marketing and sales – and that approach informs all of our work with combustible dust. We don’t leave your safety to just anyone. Instead, our own industry experts identify the risks associated with your dust, and develop customized, comprehensive dust management procedures to reduce the risks associated with combustible dust and comply with industry standards.
Our experts are uniquely qualified to identify and resolve the complex and sometimes costly controls associated with combustible dust. Our perspective combines a deep understanding of combustible dust standards with practical experience in corporate settings. And, our team has OSHA experience and has been instrumental in improving safety at some of the most well known combustible dust events across America.
It’s Your Responsibility
The owner/operator of a facility with potentially combustible dust shall be responsible for determining the combustibility or explosibility hazards of materials, identifying and assessing any fire, flash fire, and explosion hazards and managing the identified fire, flash fire, and explosion hazards in accordance NFPA Standards and then communicating the hazards to affected personnel.
Are you doing all of these things? Lewellyn Technology’s dust team is prepared to guide and assist you with every aspect of the combustible dust journey.