The Three Step Process to NFPA 70E Compliance
OSHA says that you must protect your people, but where do you begin? That’s where NFPA 70E, The Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace comes in. This standard lays out a course of action consisting of three components that will help you to create a workplace that is free of electrical hazards. We call it the Safety Triangle.
A complete assessment of the electrical equipment in your facility will identify the exact severity of potentional hazards within your system. Once identified, a series of engineering studies can be completed to find ways to reduce or remove those hazards from your system entirely.
Learn more about our Arc Flash Process
Verbally committing to an Electrical Safety Program just won’t cut it. You must have in writing exactly how your employees should follow NFPA 70E to maintain a safe workplace. A properly written program will be concise and easily understood by your employees.
Learn more about Electrical Safety Program development
Proper safety training is the foundation of a successful electrical safety program. Once hazards are identified and labeled and a written electrical safety program is in place, your employees must be able to step onto the floor and immediately put safe practices to work. Our Electrical Safe Work Practices training provides your team with the required knowledge for Qualified Workers per NFPA 70E’s standards.